If you’ve been operating your own clinic or medical business, you should look into getting office-overhead insurance. Office overhead insurance is an insurance plan that makes sure that in the event of an accident causing you and your staff to be unable to operate your daily operations your daily office overhead expenses will be covered. Just like you likely have disability insurance for yourself, which will help cover your personal expenses in the event of a serious accident or illness that prevents you from work, office overhead insurance helps cover the costs of your business during the time you are unable to work.
Are You Eligible For Office Overhead Insurance?
If you own a business, are a sole proprietor, partnership, or self-employed, you may qualify for office overhead insurance coverage.
Office Overhead Insurance is designed to protect principal owners of closely held businesses or practices, and the owners of small businesses. Medical clinics fall into this category, and Office Overhead Insurance will go a long way in protecting you and your business in the event of an accident or illness that prevents you from working. It is most vital for businesses and practices where the owner's ability to generate income makes the difference between the office being open or closed. Your medical practice requires you be to able to work and see patients in order to generate income, therefore, you should qualify for Office Overhead Insurance.

What Does Office Overhead Insurance Cover?
Office Overhead Insurance covers you for reimbursement for expenses including rent, employee salaries, utilities, rented equipment, and other expenses vital to daily operations. It help cover overhead expenses, in the event that a serious accident or illness prevents you from working. With Office Overhead Insurance, you can rest assured that expenses will be covered, allowing you to keep your doors open until you are able to return to work.
Running a clinic or medical business is expensive, and costs can add up quickly, especially if you are put in a position where you cannot work for a period of time. You do not want to lose your business because of an accident or illness. If you’re the only doctor in your clinic, office overhead insurance will make sure your office is financially stable while you recover.